Wednesday, September 3, 2008

TMB Executive Committee Meeting

The majority of the Executive Committee of the Board was held in Executive Session, meaning not open the public. According to the published agenda the Board was to speak about on-going litigation and employment matters. Surely the role of Executive Director was discussed Mari Robinson, the current Director of Enforcement and Interim Executive Director, left the meeting early.

A little more than an hour after Ms. Robinson left, the Committee returned to open (public) session. I have been predicting (guessing) for a while that Ms. Robinson would be named the Executive Director. The Committee continued to push that theory for me as they are planning to post a job description for Medical Director. Under the statute, Texas Occupations Code Section 152.054(b), essentially provides that if the Executive Director is not a licensed physician, the Board "shall" appoint a Medical Director. This individual's role, according to the law, "[P]rimarily responsible for implementing and maintaining policies, systems, and measures regarding clinical and professional issues and determinations."

What is also interesting is the Board is asking the Legislature for guidance on the position. They want this position reporting directly to the Board rather than to the Executive Director. As the Board understands it, the Medical Director currently would have to report to the Executive Director.

This will be an interesting balance of having an Executive Director and a Medical Director, with both reporting to the Board. It will have to be a close team effort for it to work effectively.

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